Black men get lots of action in the age of reparations where most white girls are happy to fuck any brotha that demands access to her pussy. It can be her old friend, a new colleague from work, or even a total stranger. Black men own white pussy so she must do her very best to serve the cause and comply with whatever her black master wants her to do. Even a 10-minute break at work should be more than enough time for an interracial quickie with a black workmate, including cum swallowing.
I’m a white man that allows my wife to be with black guys, she has a regular, and I enjoy it
Good going way to give back…weve had our day now its time to submit and let the black man have his way with white girls. They are much happier this way since we …I definitely cant please a white girl or any girlfor that matter.
I am happier now that I finalky accepted That I am inferior to the black man and all white men especially white women should at any time upon request make herself available for the superior black mans girth and dominance. No more sex with white men infact white men should get snipped theres enough of us plus blacks are superior is so many ways. So anytime a black man asks for money you comply…if he wants your woman then you give her to him or let him take her by force if shes unwilling at first. Believe me after one round of sex your woman will never want you again Im dead serious. Thats exactly what happened to me and Tasha. My life is all about catering to my wife and her black bulls…I support her in all she does. In return I get to watch her have sex with her black bull but only with a cock lock. The lock only comes off when the black man says im deserving of it. Sometimes its on so long i feverishly stroke my micro penis between my pointer finger and thumb the second it off. Often i just pay her black bull off to have it unlocked early but thats getting expensive lately. Her black bull said its because of inflation. I dont argue I just do as Im told and happy that i get to at least have the freedom I do. Im so turned on by all of this self degrading its hard to explain. Please write to dwbohnert@gmail.com and send pictures of big black cock only no white cocks whatsoever period. My wife will make all decisions on whos picked. Were actually trying to make a fetish tv show out of this. Pleass call 608-518-9242