Hot submissive Asian slut got black dominated and almost couldn’t take his BBC


The oriental chick can beg all she wants, today she is gonna take it from a black man with a real dick. Great rough interracial sex and hilarious comments from the black master as he pounds his Asian slave girl. Her pussy is so tight it hurts when he keeps banging her until she finally taps out and begs for a break. The brotha says things like how her pussy is tight because she has only been messing with white boys until now! We suggest he lets one of them white boys do the filming next time and then he can keep pounding the pussy.

6 thoughts on “Hot submissive Asian slut got black dominated and almost couldn’t take his BBC

    1. Niggers should be caged and kept from seeding other races. Race mixing with blacks lowers the intelligence of that race over time through constant mix breeding and their offspring. Eventually you get a lower iq race that’s more controllable.

      If blacks are allowed to breed the entire race of humans everywhere will basically reverse the traits that have taken many generations to perfect. Asians and whites are the most powerful, intelligent races on earth. It’s no wonder China is becoming so powerful.

      One race of billions, meanwhile the white race who we are all taught is the evil race is declining at a rate that it as of now will never be able to catch back up. At some point whites will be so rare you’ll never see them unless you live wherever the whites left escaped to.

      One thing is common wherever whites go blacks follow. They want to mix with the white race to feel superior and wanted. There’s a reason blacks look so much like the primates we evolved from.

      They are not as human as other races. More animal like. Look at any society that has much less blacks than any other race vs areas of the world with more blacks and the difference is crazy.

      No one can say why out of fear but we know. White people do not be tricked into thinking you are racist if you keep to your own race and away from blacks.

  1. Sung Won,

    You racist cunt! In the words of Mulan, YOU WILL NEVER BRING YOUR FAMILY HONOR! Your insecurities are showing darling and your IQ level is lower than the water in rice field you were born in. If you think your think white people are on your side, think again Biǎo zi Chāngfù Hun Dan! Look in the mirror and see who the real primate is! Hope the mirror don’t break.

    Don’t you and Asian Disgrace have a nail salon to run? I’m shock you two ching chongs are speaking in English because you all love to speak in your native language when you gossip about other races because you scared to get that ass tortured! Now be a good bitch and put down that dog and cat you was about to cook and do some nails or stick your face in dough and make monkey cookies.

  2. This Asian chick probably guessed that her experience would be a mix of pain and pleasure, and her gasps show it. The brotha is really good at leading her forward to the mysteries and joys of interracial sex, and now she is taken she will never go back. And why should she? Lucky girl.

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